Thursday, August 14, 2008

Qik: Live Stream From Your Cell is taking YouTubers to the next level. They have developed an application that can record video using your cell phone and then put it up automatically on the internet for the world to see. But what if "automatic upload" isn't fast enough for you. Well, then how about LIVE video? Does that make you happy? It should! Qik does just that and more.

You don't have to worry about taking up space on your phone when you record because it automatically uploads it to your profile (similar to YouTube) and the world can see what you just saw within a few seconds (there's a few seconds delay, but what'd you expect?) Then if that wasn't enough for you you can link Qik to other Social Networks like Twitter, Blogger, YouTube, Pownce, Seesmic, Mogulus, and And don't worry, you can set some videos to private so only you and your friends can see.

This application works for a long list of cell phones (and of course the iPhone). They are currently working on developing Qik for more cell phones, so if your phone isn't compatible with their application right now, then GET A NEW PHONE! Seriously, this is awesome. Go signup so you'll know when you can get the application as soon as it's available for your phone. NOW! And while you're at it check out the Ones & Zeroes qik group profile. You can view my profile by clicking here or by clicking on my name in the video above.

Oh and "that guy" I refered to in the video is Robert Scoble. Right now he has 800+ Qik videos. Check him out.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

G-off Loves Apple

So early this morning at around 2:52 AM I came to the conclusion that my iPhone was as worthless as a brick. That's right folks, my iPhone was "bricked" (all it would do was show the Apple logo and stay frozen) after I had just tried to update it to the 2.0.1 firmware at around midnight. I was hit with an Error #1604 (It was partially my fault).

I stayed up scouring the internet for ways to fix it, and every method failed.
The whole day I was panicking because I was iPhone-less. So I called the nearest Apple store and told them the situation - they informed me that their "Genius Bar" was booked until around noon tomorrow. I needed my phone fixed ASAP so I went down there after work and placed my name on the standby list. Within 45 mins I was being helped (that's quick for how busy they were) and because even the Geniuses there couldn't fix it, Apple gave me a brand new iPhone (not 3G, but one just like my old one).


Every time I've gone into an Apple store with some problem; they've fixed it or replaced whatever was the problem - FOR FREE!.
One time my iPhone headphones broke - they replaced them...of course.

...Apple rules...

Monday, August 11, 2008

iPhone 2.0.1 Firmware Jailbroken

Alright, so you can tell already that here at Ones & Zeroes we're big fans of the iPhone. Primarily because we both own iPhones :)

So for those of you that want to keep updating your iPhone and keep it Jailbroken (able to install 3rd party applications that aren't available on the Official App Store) then here is an in-depth tutorial from iClarified.

There you will find how to do it and all the necessary files (the Bootloaders, the 2.0.1 firmware, and Pwnage 2.0.2 application)

Happy Hacking!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

iPhone 2.0 Jaillbroken!!


Important: If you are going to follow this guide, then read EVERYTHING first, we take no responsibility if you mess up your phone.

Alright, so the PWNage 2.0 tool made by the iPhone Dev Team has been developed for a while, but now it is officially available to the PUBLIC! Which is good news for us jailbroken iPhone users (jailbroken means you can install any iPhone compatible program onto it, not just from the App Store). So now you can enjoy the App Store and enjoy Community Apps (applications made by the general public and by some well known hackers)! The possibilities are endless!! They put up the tool on Saturday and have already released an update (2.0.1) You can get it here. (Side note: only MAC users can use it now - Windows users will have to wait or try this)

When they first put it up on their site for download, they got flooded with downloads and their servers went down (supply and demand). But no worries that's all been fixed.

It's pretty simple to operate this program to jailbreak your iPhone. For a detailed guide to jailbreak click here. (Side note: for people who already have an activated working iphone on AT&T make sure to uncheck "Activate phone" in the Bootneuter section. Or else your phone won't make calls. If you accidently did it, no worries, it can be reversed.)


(any questions? please feel free to ask.)

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Plantronics Discovery 925 Bluetooth Headset - Yes, it's amazing!

If you live in California you're aware of the new "hands-free" law which went into effect July 1. Now under this new legislation, California drivers must use a hands-free device to use their cell phone while driving.

Over the years I have purchased and used my fair share of head-sets, ranging from corded, boomed, and Blue tooth. However, without fail each one of them had their flaws and just was not a sufficient substitute for speaking on the hand-set. Either people couldn't hear me over the roar of the wind and freeway traffic, or I couldn't hear them. The headsets ranged in price from $20-$125, and were all brand-names.

Enter, The Plantronics Discovery 925 Bluetooth Headset, it is everything I've been looking for, and MORE.

1: SOUND QUALITY: Usually when you're on a headset, people know it. Either the headset picks up more background noise, or the caller sounds "distant" from the microphone. Considering that this headset is so small, and barely has any boom, I thought for sure it would pick up background noise like crazy, and make my voice sound distant, but it was the complete opposite. Honestly, my voice and call quality sounded better than holding the hand-set. In the past, I was never able to hear myself speak when talking through a headset, whereas with the Plantronics 925, you can hear yourself come through the microphone loud and clear.

2. BATTERY LIFE: Plantronics has really thought of everything here when it comes to producing a quality headset. As you can see in the picture above, the really nice black leather carrying case also doubles up as a charger. So, if you use all the battery power in the headset, simply plug it into the carrying case/charger, and it will give it a NEW full-charge. Personally, I just put the headset in the carrying case/charger every time I'm not using it, so I have yet to run into any battery problems. Then, when I get home at night, I plug the bottom of the carrying case/charger into my computer USB port or wall outlet, and it charges overnight. I'm sure it would last several days to a week without recharging, but I usually charge all my other peripherals overnight anyways, so its not an issue.

3. COMFORT/STYLE: Since this headset is an in-ear device, you have to not mind having something in your ear while talking. Personally I like this better than the over-the-ear devices, due to the less amount of moving parts and form-factor. Plus, I think I get better sound quality by having it in-ear, instead of a small speaker sitting on the outside of my ear. Plus, I've owned 3-4 Motorola headsets that go over the ear, and after a few weeks to a month it started sitting on my ear weird, and the little flap started becoming less sturdy. If your ear is a funky shape, Plantronics gives you 3 extra different looking cushions, to ensure that it fits nicely and securely in your ear.

4. PRICE: The MSRP of this headset is $149.00, OUCH! However, there are a lot of retailers out there that sell it at almost half the price. For example,, which is where I purchased mine from (received it in 2 days), sells the headset for $79.99--worth every penny!

In conclusion, if you are thinking of purchasing a headset, and are willing to spend up to $100 for a great quality device, you should seriously consider the Plantronics 925.

UPDATE: I've noticed that it works great for talking, but sometimes when I try to use the Visual Voice-Mail feature on my iPhone, it sometimes doesn't pick-up the connection, because technically it is not a voice-call. However, I'm sure the next iPhone firmware update will fix this. Marketing Made Easy

Documistic automates the management and distribution of a company's marketing campaign - making the Marketing Manager's job EASIER! What you do is upload all your templates for your employees to have immediate access to your flyers and postcards that you use everyday in your marketing, and let them have easy access to customize the personal info on the templates to fit their needs. It even offers the service of sending out the flyers for you!

Here's a visualization provided on the website of how the system works:

Great part is, it's a SAAS (Software-As-A-Service) platform that's run on the site, so that means no software to download and install.

So if you're a Marketing Manager (or someone who handles this stuff), Documistic will take out the mundane tasks of collaborating and let you get to focus on the rest of your job.

(I am a current employee of documistic. This is not a way of advertising for the company, but I am merely presenting it as an interesting, new idea to some out there. It definitely was new and interesting to me when I found out about it.)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

African Playstation War

"Toward Freedom", a site dedicated to advancing human rights, released an investigative report on how Sony could have added fuel to a 10-year conflict in Africa's Democratic Republic of Congo. Sony's huge manufacturing needs required a rare metal called coltan. Coltan becomes a bluish-gray powder called tantalum after it has been refined. Tantalum can withstand extreme heat, so manufacturers use it to make electric capacitors. You and I both know that Sony and other manufacturers needed a lot of electric capacitors so the need for tantalum sky rocketed. In 1999, tantalum cost $49 / pound. In 2 years, it shot up to $275 / pound.

Researcher David Barouski commented:

[The] PlayStation 2 launch... was a big part of the huge increase in demand for coltan... SONY and other companies like it, have the benefit of plausible deniability because the coltan ore trades hands so many times from when it is mined to when SONY gets a processed product, that a company often has no idea where the original coltan ore came from, and frankly don’t care to know. But statistical analysis shows it to be nearly inconceivable that SONY made all its PlayStations without using Congolese coltan.

Now how does this tie to the war? This huge demand for coltan by Sony and other personal electronics manufacturers led Rwandan troops and Western companies to exploit the people and mineral resources of Congo, with prisoners-of-war and children often forced to work in mines. The Rwandans were shooting it out for the mines, which contained deposits of cobalt, uranium, gold and, of course, coltan. The estimates of the war’s dead range from hundreds of thousands to several million.

Sony ensures us that they are now taking steps to make sure that they do not use coltan illegally mined from Congo.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

iPhone 2.0 Firmware Early???

That's right, folks. Someone has found the early release of the iPhone 2.0 firmware. Right here ( iPhone1,2_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw) People are actually using this as we speak and are downloading apps from the App Store!

Now before you do install this on your iPhone, you need to know that it's not the official release. You can either install it now and be the "cool" kid on your block by getting your grubby hands on it first, or you can wait patiently for the official release coming soon. Also this firmware upgrade will delete all your personal data before it updates itself (dont worry it'll make a backup of your data, but make sure you have enough room on your computer to hold all of). And if you have a "unlocked" iPhone, it will become "locked" -at least until the hacking community fixes that :) Now a bit of warning, Apple has something to say about firmware updates.
"Normally if you choose to update, the iPhone or iPod touch software is updated but your settings and media are not affected. If your device currently has a software version prior to 2.0 (1.x) and you are updating to software version 2.0 or later, all data on your device will be erased in order to perform install the new software. In this case, iTunes will offer to create a one-time media backup of your device depending on what content is on your device and what content is stored in the iTunes Library you are connected to. You should ensure that you have enough free space on your Mac or PC to accommodate a backup that matches the capacity of your iPhone or iPod touch (4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, or 32 GB) if you proceed with the this backup."
So that being said, to install this on your iPhone you will have to do it manually in iTunes version 7.7 by pressing the Option key (Shift if you're using Windows) when pressing the "Check for Update". Then select the .ipsw file manually. (If your download is a ".zip" file, rename it to ".ipsw" beforehand).

Monday, July 7, 2008

2 Layers of Blu-Ray not enough? How about 16!

"Pioneer Corporation has succeeded in developing a 16-layer read-only optical disc with a capacity of 400 gigabytes for the first time in the world." says Pioneer on their website today.

Each layer holds 25 gigabytes (the equivalent of one Blu-Ray disc). Having mulilayers on an optical disc has always been a hard thing to accomplish, but somehow Pioneer achieved 16 layers without having any crosstalk between them by using the same technology they developed in the DVD field. "Since the optical specifications of the objective lens, such as NA (Numerical Aperture), are the same as those for the existing BD discs, it is possible to maintain compatibility between the new 16-layer optical disc and the BD discs." That's good news. But word on the street says that it won't work in your new PS3. Great, now what new device do I have to buy just so I can watch a decent movie or play a decent game? We'll see where this goes.

Now when will this new technology be mass produced? Hopefully we'll find out July 13 when Pioneer will release details of this at the International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage 2008 (ISOM/ODS2008) in Hawaii.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Netflix, but for magazines?

Yes, we are all familiar with NetFlix and their movie rental delivery service that changed the way people rent and watch movies. Netflix has allowed us as consumers to rent movies we probably would'nt have ever watched, did we not have a service that was mailing us new movies on a weekly basis.

Now take all that Netflix "goodness" and apply it to Magazines... I know, I know, at first glance it sounds like a waste of money. However, think about... Lets say you are already subscribing to one or two magazines. Take that money and apply it to this service, and now you can switch out your magazines on a monthly basis. Lets say for example that one month you wanted to try People magazine and later decide that next month you want to try Sports Illustrated, with this service you can.

The concept is nice, why get stuck in a year-long subscription to a magazine you might get sick of, when you can pay roughly the same price and have the option to change out your subscription at any time... Pretty cool!

The service is called MagHound, check it out here:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Guitar Hero 4 vs Rock Band

Me being the music, video game, and technology freak - this is right up my alley.
I own Rock Band and Guitar Hero III for the xbox 360. I like both games but if you ask anyone, I play Rock Band WAY more than Guitar Hero.

That being said, looks like the tables are about to turn.

Guitar Hero has announced that they'll release a game much like Rock Band this October complete with a guitar, drums, and a microphone, called Guitar Hero: World Tour.

"*YAWN* We've already done that with Rock Band." you say. But have you been able to create your own music with Rock Band? Were your drums wireless? Does your guitar feature a touch sensitive interface on the neck where you can do guitar solos?? All this and more Guitar Hero: World Tour boasts.

So what does Rock Band have to say about this?

...Rock Band 2 this fall. :)
Details are slim to none on Rock Band 2 so far, except that it'll have new songs, new online features, new instruments and it'll be compatible with all those Rock Band songs you downloaded. Bad news (for non-Xbox 360 owners) is that it'll only be released on Xbox 360 this fall. The other platforms will have to wait...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Google Apps: The one stop shop for Email, Online Docs, Calendar, and Basic Web Hosting.

When it comes to Email, Online Docs, Calendaring, and even website hosting, there are A LOT of options out there. However, most people aren't aware that Google is now offering FREE tools, that will host your Personal email account, Calendar, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and PDF docs, and even your website, all for free.

When I first started working for a software company many moons ago, the company email system was provided through a third-party web hosting provider. Since the website was hosted with this other company, it was assumed that our email had to be hosted there as well. However, the SPAM protection from almost any third-party web hosting providers is horrible, and left my inbox flooded with SPAM messages everyday--it was frustrating to say the least. Finally, after some coercing, I talked the executives into transferring all email hosting to Google Apps, and within hours, my SPAM went from hundreds, to ZERO. Our company was able to keep the same business domain name, integration with Outlook, Blackberry's and even iPhone's, with little configuration changes. Our customers had no idea that we changed email providers, other than the fact that we actually responded to their messages quicker, now that we didn't have to fight through hundreds of pieces of SPAM.

Since that time I have transferred many of my clients over to Google Apps and they all love it. Plus, the web interface for sending and receiving email is fantastic as well--if you like the GMAIL interface.

A lot of people think that they won't be able to keep their custom domain name (, but this is just not true. Google Apps is made for small to mid-sized businesses that need reliable email and web hosting, without paying the premium fees.

For more information, visit:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

DropBox: Syncing files & folders between multiple computers

DropBox came out with a new file/folder syncing service that simply trumps any of the competition. Over the past six years I have tried many different syncing services, as many of my clients have desired to easily share files between multiple computers. However, in my pursuits I have never found a service that was really easy to use, for both myself and the potential client.
Finally, about 6 months ago I heard about DropBox, which at the time was still in Beta--and actually still is. (UPDATE: It is out of Beta) However, after watching the demonstration video on the website, I instantly fell in love.

Basically, DropBox creates a new folder in your MY DOCUMENTS directory, which acts like any other folder. Except, anything you do inside of that directory, also occurs on every other computer you've synced DropBox with. For example, if you throw some music in the DropBox folder, instantly the music appears on all the other machines. If you rename a file, instantly the file is renamed on all the other computers. Another cool feature of DropBox is its recovery tool. Basically, if you ever delete or overwrite something, with just a few clicks of the mouse DropBox allows you to go back to any previous version--Beautiful!
I have about 2-3GB worth of data on my Dropbox account and am currently syncing that folder between 3 Mac's and 2 PC's, one running XP and the other running Vista. It works flawlessly. Many times have I been working on a document at work, closed out of it early, then picked up from where I left off at home or on my laptop. The syncing occurs instantaneously and doesn't require any extra effort from the user.
As of today the service is still in Beta and is "Invite Only". If you want access to the service, post a comment and I will get back to you with an invite.

UPDATE: The service is out of Beta and can be joined by anyone.

Sunday, June 29, 2008 When GotoMeeting & are just too expensive...

It seems like almost once a quarter I participate in an online meeting where I'm forced to login to a service like GoToMeeting or, so I can see someone else's desktop, slide show presentation, or to simply conference call with a colleague. However, as with almost any business service, there is a cost. Some of them charge by conference call, some by the month, and others by the number of participants--it just depends on the circumstances and what you are looking for.

Yes these services are great, and yes they are needed. However, why pay when you don't have to. That's where comes in. Dimdim is an Open source collaborative effort, which means the programming and up-keep of the website is done by a community, instead of a private company trying to make a profit. Partake in almost all of the same features that you would find with any other professional online meeting service, but get it for FREE.

Some of the main features:
Video Chat
Desktop Sharing
Public & Private Chat Interfaces
Share & Present Documents (Powerpoints & PDF's)
Scalable (1-1,000 participants)
Schedule Meetings
Outlook Integration
and much more...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

SlyDial: When you just want to leave a message, and not talk for an hour.

A few months back I received a Beta invite to try out a new service called SlyDial. Basically, its a service that allows you to leave almost any person a voice message, without the recipients phone ever ringing.

This type of service is perfect for anyone who just wants to leave someone a message, without having to "catch-up" with a talkative friend or relative.

Seems like a pretty cool service, I tried it out for myself and it actually works. I had it call my cell phone, and yes, it went right to voice. However, something interesting happened, my cell phone still showed a missed call. So the service somehow rang my phone for a split second and went straight to VM--pretty cool. Plus, it even showed the original Caller ID, not the caller ID of the Slydial service. This means that not only will the receipent see the voice mail, they will also ask themselves, "how did I miss that call, I didn't even hear it ring..."

If you want to try it for yourself, call 267-SLYDIAL (267-759-3425).

Friday, June 27, 2008

Metal Gear Solid epic movie

So I just finished playing Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots (exclusively on the Playstation 3). Let me just say this...."WOW"...

It took me about 22 hours 25 mins and 4 secs of total play time to beat it. The game is laid out in a way where you're not playing a game or watching a movie, but PLAYING a movie. The cutscenes vary in length from about 20 mins to over 1 hour.

Hideo Kojima really outdid himself with this one. I wouldn't say it's the BEST game I've ever played, but I would go as far to say that it is a must buy for PS3 owners...if you don't buy it...then why even own a Playstation 3?

New Blogger Features Coming Soon...

Yes, it is true, Blogger is finally updating its dashboard, posting platform, and adding a bunch of new features. However, before they take it "LIVE" to the world, they are allowing a select few to try out the new features on their "in draft" website.

If you would like to see how the new dashboard will look and feel, visit:

Personally, I like it a lot. In fact, I've set DRAFT as my default dashboard. Now, its a lot easier to import and play with media files, add hyperlinks, and insert gadgets. Plus, Blogger is adding a new "webmaster tool", which will help all of us blogspot bloggers receive more organic traffic from the search engines. Plus, they're even adding cool features such as 5 Star Ratings, Embedded Comment Form, and the ability to IMPORT/EXPORT your blog--finally!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Touch your phone, of course... But touch your computer screen?

HP just came out with a new computer called the HP Touchsmart PC. Basically, they combined a touch screen monitor with an all-in-one computer.

I've had this debate many times with friends and we all agree that touching the screen would be cool at first, but could never be as productive or precise as the trusty old mouse.

Sure you could touch the screen to play with pictures, flip through album art, and maybe even doddle a little bit. But what else could you do more than that, not much. Also, if you are forced to touch the screen, where's the rest of your physical desk space? For example, right now I have three monitors attached at the end of my desk, giving me plenty of physical desk space for paperwork, keyboard, phones, and more. If we're forced to touch the screen to perform basic tasks, the monitor will have to set at the edge of the desk, and force you to keep everything else behind and next to the computer--doesn't sound too efficient to me.

Maybe something like this would be perfect for the kitchen, bathroom, or even a boat, but on the standard computer desk or office, not so much.

If you think otherwise, make yourself heard.

Chrysler's 2009 lineup will have Wi-Fi

Turns out that Chrysler is trying to outdo Ford's SYNC service by making your car a mobile Wi-Fi spot. How sick is that!?

Keefe Leung, Chrysler’s engineer for the product, tells us that the "UConnect Web" device, which will be hidden within the car, will work only with the key in the ignition. It will operate on the 3G network using a cellular-based signal, and will allow download speeds between 600-800 kilobits per second, with upload speeds of 200 kbps. Of course, all this will come with a service fee.

UConnect is Chrysler's new baby, which will provide Bluetooth connectivity and MP3 player integration with the car’s stereo.

But wait, there's more...
Some of you may be saying, "yeah, but I got a 3G phone...what's the big surprise??"
UConnect Web will allow passengers with TV monitors to hook up their video game consoles to the internet. So now you can SLAUGHTER your friends on Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 while you're on those long road trips to Grandma's. I just hope I can handle the car sickness...

More info.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 is a beautiful thing!

I know most of you are already aware of, but I thought I would still mention it for the few that have yet to hear about the site. Also, if you haven't visited Hulu in a few months, it is time to go back. is a collaborative effort with almost all the major networks to distribute their content via the web. Ive been using Hulu since the beta and it has significantly increased in attention and value over the year.

Here's some cool features of the website:

1. If your TiVo didn't record The Office (due to some other show your spouse wanted to watch), watch it on the next morning for breakfast--Ive done this before.
2. A bunch of full-featured movies--some old and some relatively recent.
3. A whole bunch of TV shows. Including Doogie Howser, M.D., Alf, Studio 60, The Office, and many many more.
4. If you use Firefox as your web browser and have the 'Ad-block' Addon, you can skip through all the "webmercials".
5. Its LEGAL!

Jott it! The virtual personal assistant that does everything--well almost. is a new service that is really handy, no matter what kind of phone you have.

It's almost like a FREE virtual personal assistant, that does a really good job at keeping you organized. After calling one phone number you are greeted with a welcoming voice, asking you what you want to Jott... Based on how you respond, it takes it from there.

By stating a persons name, like a spouse, friend, or co-worker, you can easily send a txt msg, email, reminder, a todo list, post to your blog, and more...

For example, lets say you want to be reminded to do something tomorrow at 8:00pm. Simply call the Jott phone number, say the word "reminder", it will ask you for what day and time, and then ask what the subject is... Instantly it coverts everything to text and sends you an email and txt message at the specific time you set the reminder.

Another cool feature is how you can send an email or txt message to multiple people all at once, simply by speaking the message. For example, a few weeks ago I received a txt msg from a friend, asking a complicated question. Instead of calling or txt'ing back a huge response. I called JOTT (which is on my speed dial), said the name of my friend (which it knew), and then spoke my entire message. A few seconds later, my friend received the email and txt message with my paragraph long response... It was beautiful! This service is definitely going to save my thumbs from the abuse I've been putting them through over the past few years.

Check it out at

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

PayPal's New Random Credit Card Generator Service!

There are a lot of people out there that dont shop online due to fears of credit card and identity theft. Paypal has come up with a partial solution to this problem...

If you have a Paypal account, they will generate a "temporary" credit card number, expiration date, and cvv code, everytime you want to purchase something new online--even if the company doesnt accept Paypal payments. Anytime you visit a new website to make a purchase, quickly generate a new temporary credit card number with your new Paypal Toolbar, and your golden.

UPDATE: The Paypal plugin no longer exists.

Send in the clown...


Alright, so it looks like I'll be joining the ranks of The Ones & Zeroes.

B and I are brothers, and B has had a huge influence on me getting interested with technology in general. He's more of the computer guru while I'm more of the gaming guru, but we tend to cross paths in our journey for knowledge in the tech world.

We hope that you find these blog posts useful in your search for the latest updates in popular technology.

Tell your friends about us ;)

Wii Fit - Lose 15 lbs in 45 days... Or perform any other exercise for 60 minutes a day.

Well, it was bound to happen, someone has proven that it is possible to lose weight after 45 days of working-out on the Wii Fit. Yes you can pick up jogging, aerobics, work out at the gym, biking, swimming, etc. But why not lose weight while you play games--this is Nintendo's approach.

When you first use the Wii Fit it checks your weight, BMI, etc, and helps you set a goal for weight-loss. Everytime you use the Wii from that point on, it helps you track your progress and eventually reach your target weight--pretty cool I think. It's almost like a virtual body trainer.

If I had a Wii, I would probably try it out just too see if it worked for me. However, just because it worked for this man, doesn't mean it'll work for everyone. At least now you have one more option when it comes to working out.

What's this all about?

There's no use denying it anymore, my name is Brandon and I am a geek. Its something I've known for a long time, but have not publicly divulged. Since it is impossible for me to keep it secret any longer, I figured it was time.

Why even come out of the server closet you ask? Well, after many years of sitting on the side-lines and watching as other commented on the technological world, I thought it was time to voice my opinion, and make myself heard. Sure I'm just another voice among the millions, but hey, I'm sure there's at least TWO people out there that care (my mom & wife). Plus, it helps me organize my thoughts and create a type of bookmarking tool, which will allow me to post great websites and articles that I find interesting.

Well, thanks for visiting... Feel free to voice your opinion--everything is always up for debate.

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