Thursday, August 14, 2008

Qik: Live Stream From Your Cell is taking YouTubers to the next level. They have developed an application that can record video using your cell phone and then put it up automatically on the internet for the world to see. But what if "automatic upload" isn't fast enough for you. Well, then how about LIVE video? Does that make you happy? It should! Qik does just that and more.

You don't have to worry about taking up space on your phone when you record because it automatically uploads it to your profile (similar to YouTube) and the world can see what you just saw within a few seconds (there's a few seconds delay, but what'd you expect?) Then if that wasn't enough for you you can link Qik to other Social Networks like Twitter, Blogger, YouTube, Pownce, Seesmic, Mogulus, and And don't worry, you can set some videos to private so only you and your friends can see.

This application works for a long list of cell phones (and of course the iPhone). They are currently working on developing Qik for more cell phones, so if your phone isn't compatible with their application right now, then GET A NEW PHONE! Seriously, this is awesome. Go signup so you'll know when you can get the application as soon as it's available for your phone. NOW! And while you're at it check out the Ones & Zeroes qik group profile. You can view my profile by clicking here or by clicking on my name in the video above.

Oh and "that guy" I refered to in the video is Robert Scoble. Right now he has 800+ Qik videos. Check him out.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

G-off Loves Apple

So early this morning at around 2:52 AM I came to the conclusion that my iPhone was as worthless as a brick. That's right folks, my iPhone was "bricked" (all it would do was show the Apple logo and stay frozen) after I had just tried to update it to the 2.0.1 firmware at around midnight. I was hit with an Error #1604 (It was partially my fault).

I stayed up scouring the internet for ways to fix it, and every method failed.
The whole day I was panicking because I was iPhone-less. So I called the nearest Apple store and told them the situation - they informed me that their "Genius Bar" was booked until around noon tomorrow. I needed my phone fixed ASAP so I went down there after work and placed my name on the standby list. Within 45 mins I was being helped (that's quick for how busy they were) and because even the Geniuses there couldn't fix it, Apple gave me a brand new iPhone (not 3G, but one just like my old one).


Every time I've gone into an Apple store with some problem; they've fixed it or replaced whatever was the problem - FOR FREE!.
One time my iPhone headphones broke - they replaced them...of course.

...Apple rules...

Monday, August 11, 2008

iPhone 2.0.1 Firmware Jailbroken

Alright, so you can tell already that here at Ones & Zeroes we're big fans of the iPhone. Primarily because we both own iPhones :)

So for those of you that want to keep updating your iPhone and keep it Jailbroken (able to install 3rd party applications that aren't available on the Official App Store) then here is an in-depth tutorial from iClarified.

There you will find how to do it and all the necessary files (the Bootloaders, the 2.0.1 firmware, and Pwnage 2.0.2 application)

Happy Hacking!

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