There's no use denying it anymore, my name is Brandon and I am a geek. Its something I've known for a long time, but have not publicly divulged. Since it is impossible for me to keep it secret any longer, I figured it was time.
Why even come out of the server closet you ask? Well, after many years of sitting on the side-lines and watching as other commented on the technological world, I thought it was time to voice my opinion, and make myself heard. Sure I'm just another voice among the millions, but hey, I'm sure there's at least TWO people out there that care (my mom & wife). Plus, it helps me organize my thoughts and create a type of bookmarking tool, which will allow me to post great websites and articles that I find interesting.
Well, thanks for visiting... Feel free to voice your opinion--everything is always up for debate.
My name is Juan.
And I am a geek.
I wish I was more of a geek. I like technology and enjoy it very much but I'm never on the cutting edge. I'm hoping that your blog will help me.
OK, really... you rock. But I just had to post that video because I know it's your favorite.
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