Turns out that Chrysler is trying to outdo Ford's SYNC service by making your car a mobile Wi-Fi spot. How sick is that!?
Keefe Leung, Chrysler’s engineer for the product, tells us that the "UConnect Web" device, which will be hidden within the car, will work only with the key in the ignition. It will operate on the 3G network using a cellular-based signal, and will allow download speeds between 600-800 kilobits per second, with upload speeds of 200 kbps. Of course, all this will come with a service fee.
UConnect is Chrysler's new baby, which will provide Bluetooth connectivity and MP3 player integration with the car’s stereo.
But wait, there's more...
Some of you may be saying, "yeah, but I got a 3G phone...what's the big surprise??"
UConnect Web will allow passengers with TV monitors to hook up their video game consoles to the internet. So now you can SLAUGHTER your friends on Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 while you're on those long road trips to Grandma's. I just hope I can handle the car sickness...
More info.
How awesome is that?!? More ways to be distracted as you drive down the freeway at 80 mph. Seriously though, the possibilities are incredible to think about. What could be accomplished when this is combined with GPS and HUD? You would never be lost again! And if you do get lost your only worry is running out of juice before you get to a save point!
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