is a new service that is really handy, no matter what kind of phone you have.
It's almost like a FREE virtual personal assistant, that does a really good job at keeping you organized. After calling one phone number you are greeted with a welcoming voice, asking you what you want to Jott... Based on how you respond, it takes it from there.
By stating a persons name, like a spouse, friend, or co-worker, you can easily send a txt msg, email, reminder, a todo list, post to your blog, and more...
For example, lets say you want to be reminded to do something tomorrow at 8:00pm. Simply call the Jott phone number, say the word "reminder", it will ask you for what day and time, and then ask what the subject is... Instantly it coverts everything to text and sends you an email and txt message at the specific time you set the reminder.
Another cool feature is how you can send an email or txt message to multiple people all at once, simply by speaking the message. For example, a few weeks ago I received a txt msg from a friend, asking a complicated question. Instead of calling or txt'ing back a huge response. I called JOTT (which is on my speed dial), said the name of my friend (which it knew), and then spoke my entire message. A few seconds later, my friend received the email and txt message with my paragraph long response... It was beautiful! This service is definitely going to save my thumbs from the abuse I've been putting them through over the past few years.
Check it out at
that sounds amazing,
virtual personal assistant
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