Me being the music, video game, and technology freak - this is right up my alley.
I own Rock Band and Guitar Hero III for the xbox 360. I like both games but if you ask anyone, I play Rock Band WAY more than Guitar Hero.
That being said, looks like the tables are about to turn.
Guitar Hero has announced that they'll release a game much like Rock Band this October complete with a guitar, drums, and a microphone, called Guitar Hero: World Tour.
"*YAWN* We've already done that with Rock Band." you say. But have you been able to create your own music with Rock Band? Were your drums wireless? Does your guitar feature a touch sensitive interface on the neck where you can do guitar solos?? All this and more Guitar Hero: World Tour boasts.
So what does Rock Band have to say about this?
...Rock Band 2 this fall. :)
Details are slim to none on Rock Band 2 so far, except that it'll have new songs, new online features, new instruments and it'll be compatible with all those Rock Band songs you downloaded. Bad news (for non-Xbox 360 owners) is that it'll only be released on Xbox 360 this fall. The other platforms will have to wait...
My only issue with this is, aren't they kinda going after the same audience?
I doubt they'll make the sets compatible with any other music game. Are people really going to want multiple fake band kits lying around their house? I can almost see kids getting frustrated with the myriad fake guitars, where some will work with one game but not another.
Not saying a full band version of guitar hero wont be fun, I just find all the extra junk a little frustrating.
I agree that they need to make things more interchangeable. In the end it will only increase sales. We had mics for a karaoke game and bought another brand and needed adapters... lame.
Activision (Guitar Hero) opted to not let things be interchangable. They made their software so only their guitars could work with their game. Now, Harmonix (Rock Band) on the other hand, made their game compatible with Guitar Hero guitars. So its really Activision thats being selfish, not Harmonix. Which is one reason why I like Rock Band better than Guitar Hero, but we'll see with Guitar Hero 4 and Rock Band 2.
Also about having the instruments in the open. I made them into a little decoration for my apartment. I already have 2 drum sets, 3 guitars, and 2 microphones - and they sit neatly right in front of my fireplace right next to my TV.
If Guitar Hero 4 will make the game compatible with Rockband's gear then I will at least buy the game. I definitely don't want to have 2 sets of peripherals, but I would play both games. That would be the smart thing to do since RockBand came out first and lots of us already have all that equipment. I know Guitar Hero's drum are a little different, but I can't see that affecting game play too much. Bottom line is that if the Guitar Hero game isn't compatible with Rockband peripherals I probably won't buy it. The winner is the company who's gear is compatible with the others.
It's been confirmed that Rock Band instruments will work with Guitar Hero: World Tour. So all you gotta do is buy the game!
Although, GH's drums have one more input than RB's drums, and GH's new guitar will have a touch interface on the neck...i wonder how that'll work with RB's instruments...
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