Documistic automates the management and distribution of a company's marketing campaign - making the Marketing Manager's job EASIER! What you do is upload all your templates for your employees to have immediate access to your flyers and postcards that you use everyday in your marketing, and let them have easy access to customize the personal info on the templates to fit their needs. It even offers the service of sending out the flyers for you!
Here's a visualization provided on the website of how the system works:Great part is, it's a SAAS (Software-As-A-Service) platform that's run on the site, so that means no software to download and install.
So if you're a Marketing Manager (or someone who handles this stuff), Documistic will take out the mundane tasks of collaborating and let you get to focus on the rest of your job.
(I am a current employee of documistic. This is not a way of advertising for the company, but I am merely presenting it as an interesting, new idea to some out there. It definitely was new and interesting to me when I found out about it.)
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