So early this morning at around 2:52 AM I came to the conclusion that my iPhone was as worthless as a brick. That's right folks, my iPhone was "bricked" (all it would do was show the Apple logo and stay frozen) after I had just tried to update it to the 2.0.1 firmware at around midnight. I was hit with an Error #1604 (It was partially my fault).
I stayed up scouring the internet for ways to fix it, and every method failed.
The whole day I was panicking because I was iPhone-less. So I called the nearest Apple store and told them the situation - they informed me that their "Genius Bar" was booked until around noon tomorrow. I needed my phone fixed ASAP so I went down there after work and placed my name on the standby list. Within 45 mins I was being helped (that's quick for how busy they were) and because even the Geniuses there couldn't fix it, Apple gave me a brand new iPhone (not 3G, but one just like my old one).
Every time I've gone into an Apple store with some problem; they've fixed it or replaced whatever was the problem - FOR FREE!.
One time my iPhone headphones broke - they replaced them...of course.
...Apple rules...
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